Human Resources Solutions 

With Gotham Source Partners, you can enhance your HR practices and elevate your organization to new heights. Whether you're recruiting, onboarding, managing compensation, or building a positive workplace culture, our HR solutions empower you with the tools and resources you need to focus on your most valuable asset: your people.

HR Solutions 

Immigration & Visa 

Performance Coaching

Gotham Source Partners offers a comprehensive suite of HR solutions, immigration and performance coaching services to streamline and optimize your HR processes. Our process is designed to capture and organize critical employee information throughout the employee life cycle and provide valuable insights to help you achieve your business objectives. 

HR Solutions 

Gotham Source Partners HR Solutions offers a comprehensive range of HR services to organizations seeking expert guidance. Our services include conducting assessments of HR department programs and processes, developing and updating employee handbooks and policies, creating social media and electronic usage policies, designing and delivering performance management training, conducting compensation reviews and benchmarking, re-engineering recruiting processes, and creating new hire onboarding programs. We also specialize in developing orientation programs for new hires and managers, creating employee communications programs, identifying training needs, creating management and technical career ladders, planning and implementing layoffs, developing retention strategies during organizational change, and conducting HR file audits with recommendations. Our team of experienced consultants works closely with our clients to ensure that their HR needs are met with efficiency and precision.

Immigration & Visa 

Our services include assistance with visa applications, green card processing, work permits, and citizenship applications. We work with clients to identify the best immigration options for their specific needs and guide them through each step of the process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is submitted accurately and on time. In addition, we partner with legal services to provide our clients with access to legal advice and representation, as needed. Our team of experts stays up-to-date with the latest changes in immigration law and policy, and we work to provide our clients with the most current and relevant advice. We are committed to providing personalized service and ensuring that our clients have a positive experience throughout the immigration process.

Performance Evaluation & Coaching 

Our firm offers comprehensive performance evaluation and reporting services to help organizations gain insights into their workforce's strengths and weaknesses. We utilize a data-driven approach to gather performance data across various factors, such as departments, managers, salary levels, locations, and types of employment. Our experienced consultants analyze this data to provide detailed reports that enable organizations to identify areas for improvement and take appropriate action to optimize performance. Our goal is to help our clients maximize their success by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions and improve their overall performance.

Additionally, we offer employee performance coaching services to help individuals within organizations enhance their skills and reach their full potential. Our coaching is designed to improve individual performance, boost employee engagement, and drive results for the organization. Our experienced coaches work one-on-one with employees to identify areas for improvement and develop a tailored plan to help them achieve their goals. We utilize a variety of tools and techniques to help employees build their skills, gain confidence, and make meaningful progress. Our coaching services are available to employees at all levels of the organization and are designed to help them grow and thrive in their roles. We are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals and maximize their potential.